Unvaccinated millions to cause 4th wave? + Hungary is ready to give a third dose

Given the large number of unvaccinated people still in Hungary, a fourth wave of the epidemic could be well on its way, virologist Ferenc Jakab told the daily Magyar Nemzet.
Vaccinations are the only path to lessening the risk of a further wave, the professor who heads Hungary’s coronavirus research task force told the paper’s Saturday edition. The Delta variant, he added, would be the cause of the next wave, which is
likely to be stronger than the first, though lighter than the third,
and will reach Hungary before the autumn.
“With a bit of luck, we’ll still get away with August,” he said. “There’s a clear cause for concern,” he said. The number of infections has begun to rise even in countries such as Israel where the vaccination rate is relatively high.
He noted that the World Health Organisation (WHO) predicted a fourth wave in Europe on the back of the Delta variant. Jakab said
no one should be under the illusion that the epidemic is over.
“The most we have for the time being is a little breather.”
As we reported before, those elderly who received the Sinopharm vaccine in Hungary complain that they do not have the protection needed against the virus. Therefore, they try to get Pfizer in Romania where everybody can have it if they have an EU ID card, without registration. On July 8, Magyar Hang said that, according to the Romanian operative body, 715 Hungarian citizens received Pfizer vaccines,
but the Hungarian government denied that such “vaccine tourism” existed.
Yesterday, the Hungarian coronavirus information centre told ATV that Hungary is ready to administer a third dose if that is the unanimous advice of international and Hungarian professionals. That is because Mikael Dolstein, the scientific leader of Pfizer, said that
a third dose could raise the level of protection against the Delta variant,
so they already started negotiations with the medical authorities of the USA.
In Moscow, a new inoculation campaign already started, and UK PM Boris Johnson also said that there would be a new vaccination campaign in the United Kingdom starting in autumn. During that, British citizens at risk will get a booster dose.
How to travel to Hungary this summer
Source: MTI, ATV, Magyar Hang, Daily News Hungary
Complete and utter nonsense! The injections are causing the new positive PCR test results.
Stop the PCR testing and the plandemic will disappear.
More fear porn from the media. The 4th wave, the so called Delta variant is from people spreading the virus whom Already took their vaccine like a good sheeple and now they are shedding spike proteins all around them. The entire CV19 thing is a deliberate plan to depopulate the planet by the global elite. In the next 24 months their will be an epidemic of deaths and most of them will be the good little sheep who listened to the medical industrial complex lies spread through the media. Cv19 is real but most dying originally were those with co morbidities such as heart disease and cancer. The next wave will be those who took their lethal injection.
Wake up people we are being played and hastened into an early grave.
Leo xiii and Mike Hall are the dangerous individuals creating uncertainty and fear in the uninformed.
On what scientific basis are you making your insane remarks on?
You are endangering public safety.
I fervently believe in open discussions but only by those who are qualified to make rational and beneficial
Yes, Professional, totally agree. I’d like to know where their scientific data came from.
I would not waste my time and energy with people who think that trump won the elections, that the earth is flat, that covid does not exist, that bill gates and soros…
Qanon people are a bunch of fanatics who shall deny every evidence. They are not worth any effort.
This article is a nice way to make people hate and fear each other.
This is what the NAZIs and Soviets did to sow distrust among the people so they would not unite against them.
Now, the media is trying to create distrust between vaccinated and unvaccinated people.
In other words, the media does not believe in free choice. The media believes you must comply with the directives from the Politburo.
Not Mario, funny people say the same thing about you, Deluded liberals are not worthy of engaging in debate because they do not believe anyone deserves their views heard except theirs. Mario, everyone knows your an American who does not even live in Hungary and never even visited Hungary. Mario you need to learn some critical thinking skills because when you do you are probably going to jump off of a bridge when you discover everything you think you believe is a lie.
no one should be under the illusion that the epidemic is over.
no one should be under the illusion,,,
that it is all a big con,
no ivermectin why ,
no talk about wuhan lab why ,
you tube can ban the president of USA ,WHY ,?